S0300-B2-MAN-010 Rev 2, Change #21 Chapter 10, Revised 1 November 2017
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Chapter 10 – Testing, Trials and Delivery
Table of Contents
10.1 Production Acceptance Testing During Construction, Conversion and
Modernization 10-4
10.1.1 Introduction 10-4
10.1.2 Governing Documents 10-4
10.1.3 Purpose for Production Acceptance 10-5
10.1.4 Administering the Test and Evaluation Program 10-5
10.1.5 General Roles and Responsibilities 10-6 Introduction 10-6 SUPSHIP Basic Functions for Tests, Trials and Evaluation Program 10-6
10.1.6 Integrated Test Package (ITP) 10-8
10.1.7 Shipbuilding Specifications 10-10
10.1.8 Test Documentation Booklet (TDB) 10-10
10.1.9 Test Index 10-11
10.1.10 Test Schedule 10-12
10.1.11 Test Organization 10-13 SUPSHIP Test Team 10-13 Test Development Directors 10-13 Test Task Group (TTG) 10-14 Test and Evaluation Automated Management Information System (TEAMIS)
10.1.12 Test Procedures 10-15 Government-Furnished Test Procedures 10-15 Contractor-Furnished Test Procedures 10-16
10.1.13 Test Witnessing 10-16
10.1.14 Test Reports 10-16
10.1.15 Test Problem Reporting and Resolution System 10-17 Test Change Proposal (TCP) 10-17 Test Problem Report (TPR) 10-17 Establishment and Control 10-17 Engineering Organizations 10-17 Documentation Changes 10-18 Multi-Shipyard Programs 10-18
10.2 Application of TSTP to Post Shakedown Availability (PSA) and Major Repair
Work 10-18
10.2.1 Introduction 10-18
10.2.2 Ship System Testing (HM&E) 10-19
10.2.3 Combat System Testing 10-19
10.3 Trials and Delivery 10-20
10.3.1 Policy 10-20
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10.3.2 General 10-20
10.3.3 Trials and Delivery of Ships 10-22 Builder's Dock Trials (BDT), Trial Rehearsal, and Fast Cruise 10-22 Builder's Trials (BT) 10-23 Acceptance Trials (AT) 10-24 INSURV Deficiency Criteria 10-26 Ship Systems and Equipment Demonstrations 10-28 Completion of Work 10-30 Delivery of Completed Vessels 10-31 Delivery Letter 10-31 Documenting Deficiencies in Ship’s CSMP 10-32 Water, Fuel, and Lubricating Oil Soundings 10-33 Pre-Commissioning Habitability Inspection 10-33 Acceptance and Placing Ship in Service 10-33 Delivery of Ships and Craft for non-USN Contracts 10-34 Trials and Delivery of Ships under Maritime Administration (MARAD)
Contracts 10-35 Trials and Delivery of Ships Bought for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) 10-36
10.3.4 Trials and Delivery of Boats and Other Craft 10-36 Trials and Final Inspection 10-36 Boats and Craft Procured Under Navy Appropriations 10-36 Boats and Craft Procured for Other Agencies 10-37 Delivery 10-37
APPENDIX 10-A: Procedures for the Supervising Authority’s Certification of
Certification of Readiness for Acceptance Trials 10-38
Appendix 10-B: Acronyms 10-39
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(a) OPNAVINST 4700.8K, Trials, Acceptance, Commissioning, Fitting Out, Shakedown and
Post Shakedown Availabilities of USN Ships Undergoing Construction, Conversion and
NAVSEAINST 3960.5A, Policy on Ship Testing
NAVSEA INST 4700.11, Trials, Acceptance, Commissioning, Fitting Out, Shakedown
and Post Shakedown Availabilities of USN Ships Undergoing Construction, Conversion
and Modernization
NAVSEA S9095-AD-TRQ-010/TSTP, Total Ship Test Program Manual
NAVSEA 0924-062-0010, Rev C, SUBSAFE Requirements Manual
NAVSEA S9094-AE-GYD-010, Surface Ship Post-Delivery Test and Trials Guidance
INSURVINST 4730.1 (series), Trials and Inspections of Surface Ships
INSURVINST 4730.2 (series), Trials and Material Inspections of Submarines
INSURVINST 4730.11 (series), Documentation of Deficiencies
MIL-STD 2106A, Development of Industrial Test Procedures
NAVSEAINST 5400.95F, Waterfront Engineering and Technical Authority Policy
COMFLTFORCOMINST 4790.3, Joint Fleet Maintenance Manual (JFMM)
OPNAVINST N9080.3G, Procedures for Tests and Trials of Naval Nuclear Powered
OPNAVINST 4730.5R, Trials and Material Inspection on Ships Conducted by The Board
of Inspection and Survey
OPNAVINST 4730.7F, Material Inspection of Submarines by the Board of Inspection
and Survey
INSURVINST 4730.21 (series), AAW/DTE/SD DTE and Long Range Air Search Radar
Performance Demonstrations
INSURVINST 4730.22 (series), Standards for Surface Ship Undersea Warfare (USW)
Figure 10-1: Major Notional Milestones During Construction/Conversion 10-22
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Chapter 10 – Testing, Trials and Delivery
10.1 Production Acceptance Testing During Construction,
Conversion and Modernization
10.1.1 Introduction
Reference (a), OPNAVINST 4700.8K, “Trials, Acceptance, Commissioning, Fitting Out,
Shakedown and Post Shakedown Availabilities of USN Ships Undergoing Construction,
Conversion and Modernization”, states that the goal of the Navy’s shipbuilding and
modernization effort is to deliver ships to the Fleet that are capable of supporting the Navy’s
mission and which are free from either contractor or government responsible deficiencies.
To accomplish this, the Program Management Office and SUPSHIP team conduct
observations of the contractors’ production processes, inspections, measurements, and
testing, and assess objective quality evidence from the Contractor’s Quality Management
Program to assure that the ship and its equipment and systems are ready for advanced
phases of testing and trials. SUPSHIP and contractor personnel must closely coordinate
their efforts when preparing for and managing the Test and Trials in accordance with the
terms and conditions of the contract.
The Regional Maintenance Centers (RMC) assumed responsibility, within their geographic
region, for all ship maintenance work contracted for accomplishment by commercial
shipyards. Contract administration functions for modernization, repair and test and trials
requirements shall conform to the provisions of the Joint Fleet Maintenance Manual (JFMM)
Volume VII for those SUPSHIPs who retained repair responsibility for nuclear carriers and
10.1.2 Governing Documents
The requirements for testing and evaluation during the ship construction period are to be in
accordance with the contract which should include the requirements outlined in the following
**, “Policy on Ship Testing”, reference (b)
NAVSEAINST 4700.11, “Trials, Acceptance, Commissioning, Fitting Out, Shakedown
and Post Shakedown Availabilities of USN Ships Undergoing Construction,
Conversion and Modernization”, reference (c)
NAVSEA S9095-AD-TRQ-010/TSTP, “Total Ship Test Program Manual”, reference
SUBSAFE Requirements Manual, NAVSEA 0924-062-0010, Rev C, reference (e)
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10.1.3 Purpose for Production Acceptance
The tests, trials, and evaluation requirements must prove that components are capable of
supporting the design specifications and ship requirements when operating independently,
when integrated into a system, and when operating interactively among multiple systems and
interfaces. Validation of tests, demonstrations and evaluation of the ships operating
capability during trials provide objective quality evidence of the ship’s true performance in
attaining these required capabilities.
The stages of production acceptance testing are defined in paragraph 10.1.10
. Results of “in
process” production testing are reviewed to confirm that the installed equipments and
systems support the readiness for trials. The "Test and Trials" phase has the goal of
demonstrating that the ship is materially complete and can be presented to the Navy Board
of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) for Acceptance Trials (AT) or Combined Trials (CT).
OPNAVINST 4700.8K states that it is the responsibility of the President of INSURV to
conduct trials as an independent verification of a ships readiness for acceptance and
delivery. Trials are also used to validate that the equipments and systems are operating
satisfactorily during the guarantee period following AT and up to and including Final Contract
Trials (FCT).
10.1.4 Administering the Test and Evaluation Program
SUPSHIPs’ primary function within the Test and Evaluation (T&E) program is to administer
the shipbuilding contract, approved ship specifications and Total Ship Test Program (TSTP)
for each applicable program. The specific documents required by the TSTP that are to be
produced by the contractor shall be used by SUPSHIP as a tool for monitoring technical
progress during construction and for assessing the ship’s readiness for INSURV Trials
(Acceptance Trials, Underway Trials, Combined Trials and Super Trials). Ships shall not be
considered ready for such trials unless the prerequisite tests are completed to the
satisfaction of the SUSPHIP and the results of those tests support a high probability of
successful trials as directed in NAVSEAINST 3960.5A
Each SUPSHIP has established processes that are tailored to its specific construction
programs. These command instructions are used in planning and conducting a total ship
test program during new construction as appropriate for either surface ships or submarines.
The individual ships Comprehensive Test Plan should describe the Navy test organization
and how it interfaces with the shipbuilder. It defines the stages of testing and publishes the
format for test outlines and test procedures. NAVSEA S9094-AE-GYD-010, “Surface Ship
Post-Delivery Test and Trials Guidance Manual,reference (f), provides further guidance on
SUPSHIP roles and responsibilities after taking delivery of the ship from the contractor.
This administration of the requirements of the TSTP includes oversight of the contractor-
provided Integrated Test Package (ITP) that requires:
reviewing test documentation for contractual compliance, including test indices, test
procedures/memorandums, test schedules, test reports;
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monitoring the test schedule, witnessing test conduct, evaluating test results;
advising the Program Test Director and SUPSHIP Project Officer/PMR of material
problems; and,
monitoring the delivery status of both government and contractor-furnished test
10.1.5 General Roles and Responsibilities
For ship construction programs and major conversions or modernizations performed by the
private sector, OPNAVINST 4700.8K
states that SUPSHIP is the responsible Supervising
Authority designated to prepare, certify readiness and present the ship to INSURV in
preparation for delivery. Introduction
The SUPSHIP Project Management Team, in preparation for conducting the final stages of
testing during planned trials, will ensure that the ship is ready for trials by:
Observations and reviews during in-process production work
Witnessing pre-determined check points and performing verification inspections as
specified in the Contract Administration Quality Assurance Program (CAQAP)
Managing the requirements of the Total Ship Test Program (TSTP)
Confirming the contractor’s and government’s documentation for objective quality
evidence that the ship or submarine is in compliance with the shipbuilding
Administration of the terms and conditions of the contract, and
Validating the database of all deficiencies pertaining to the ship. SUPSHIP Basic Functions for Tests, Trials and Evaluation Program
While the PM manages the TSTP, the contactor is responsible for the development of the
Integrated Test Package (ITP), Comprehensive Test Plan (CTP) and Test Procedures (TP)
related to Contractor-Furnished Equipment (CFE) and /or work performed by the contractor.
The government is responsible for providing test procedures and trial requirements for
Government-Furnished Equipment (GFE) to the contractor for integration into the ITP. The
roles of the SUPSHIP as the Naval Supervising Activity (NSA) in the test, trials and
evaluation program as outlined in the TSTP include the following:
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a. The Supervisor and the Project Officer/PMR will designate a Local Total Ship Test
Director (LTSTD). The LTSTD’s duties, responsibilities and relationship with the PM
Test Director are specified in the TSTP Manual and should be specified by the PM in
the SPD or MOA when issued.
b. The PM will also appoint a Local Combat Systems Test Director (LCSTD) and a
Local Ship Systems Test Director (LSSTD). According to the TSTP Manual, the
LCSTD must come from Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme (NSWCPH),
and the LSSTD must come from Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division
(NSWCCD). The duties and responsibilities for both are specified in the TSTP
Manual and should also be specified by the PM in the Ship Project Directive (SPD) or
a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) when issued.
c. The Supervisor will chair the Test Task Group (TTG) established by the PM in
accordance with the TSTP and as stated in Appendix C paragraph 4.e. The TTG
established by the PM is separate and distinct from the contractually required Test
and Trials Group/Joint Test Team established and typically chaired by the contractor.
Some test team members will be on both groups. The TTG membership is a
composition of contractor, subcontractor and government technical organization
representatives and its size is based on the complexity of the contractual
requirements and the Integrated Test Plan. Additionally, the SUBSAFE
Requirements Manual details unique requirements for submarine new construction
and major availabilities. The only positions specified by the SUBSAFE manual are
the SSPD and deputy SSPD. There are no specific test positions specified by the
SUBSAFE manual.
d. The LTSTD and the Test Task Group work cooperatively to resolve testing issues
identified by Test Problem Reporting and Resolution (TPRR) system and will be
supported by a Combat Systems Test Development Director (CSTDD) and Ship
System Test Development Director (SSTDD) or their local representatives when
appointed by the PM.
e. The SUPSHIP Project Management Team, in concert with the Test Team performing
their contract administration responsibilities on the waterfront, is accountable for the
administration and observation of the TSTP and associated stages of testing. The
accountability includes reviewing the contractor’s test documentation for contractual
compliance including test indices, test procedures, test schedules, test reports;
monitoring the test schedule; witnessing test conduct; evaluating test results;
advising the Supervisor, Project Officer/PMR and PM of material problems;
supporting the TTG in issue resolution, and monitoring the delivery status of both
Government and contractor-furnished test documentation.
f. The SUPSHIP/PM Test Team observes the contractors test and evaluation program
for Contractor-Furnished Equipment (CFE) as specified in NAVSEAINST 3960.5A
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g. SUPSHIP/PM Test Team personnel are responsible for administering the operation
of the Government portion of the system supporting the contractor’s Ships
Construction Test Manual (SCTM) when required by contract. The SUPSHIP PM
Test Team coordinates all government and contractor responsible preparations that
must be considered in determining that the ship is ready for presentation to the
Board of Inspection and Survey.
h. The Project Officer/PMR will designate an INSURV coordinator as the point of
contact for coordinating the actions of the contractor, government organizations and
prospective ship's company during AT in accordance with INSURVINST 4730.1
(series), Trials and Inspections of Surface Ships or 4730.2 (series), Trials and
Material Inspections of Submarines , references (g) and (h). This includes arranging
for services outside of the contractor’s area of responsibility in preparing for Trials
and, in particular, services that require Navy assets to support the pre-underway and
underway testing and trials phases.
i. The SUPSHIP representatives on the Test Task Group and Project Management
Team shall identify known non-compliant work to the Board of Inspection and Survey
prior to their arrival for AT as directed by INSURVINST 4730.11 (series),
Documentation of Deficiencies, reference (i).
j. The Supervisor shall submit a report to NAVSEA 00, PEO and PM, IAW Appendix
10-A, certifying that the ship is ready for Acceptance Trials in accordance with
. The Supervisor certifies to the Board of Inspection and
Survey that the ship is ready for trials.
k. The Project Management Team, consisting of SUPSHIP assigned personnel and any
additional personnel provided via program funding, will carry out the actions and
assigned responsibilities of the cognizant PM in accordance with the SPD or MOU
and NAVSEAINST 4700.11
l. When the Supervisor reports that the ship is ready for acceptance as stated in
and in accordance with the recommendations of INSURV
and when approved by CNO, including any requested waivers, the agent acting for
the Accepting Authority, COMNAVSEASYSCOM, will accept the ship for the Navy
and authorize the Supervisor to sign DD Form 250 and take delivery of the ship from
the shipbuilder.
10.1.6 Integrated Test Package (ITP)
The Total Ship Test Program requires that the ship construction testing be accomplished in
accordance with the contract through an orderly, validated Integrated Test Package (ITP)
and through evaluation of test results during the construction of each ship. The ITP, as
directed in NAVSEAINST 3960.5A
**, consists of a combination of Government and
contractor (shipbuilder/subcontractor) prepared tests, tailored to the mix of Government and
contractor design responsibilities of each shipbuilding contract. The testing requirements are
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developed during the design phases and they may be refined as construction proceeds. In
general, the Government's portion of the ITP involves test documentation for Government-
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Furnished Material (GFM) while the contractor's involves Contractor-Furnished Equipment
(CFE). Detailed requirements for the preparation, conduct, and maintenance of the ITP are
prescribed in NAVSEA S9095-AD-TRQ-010, Total Ship Test Program Manual. The
requirement to comply with the TSTP Manual should be invoked in the contract typically
through the Shipbuilding Specifications (Sections 090 through 95 for most ships).
10.1.7 Shipbuilding Specifications
In general, the individual technical sections set forth the requirements for individual factory
acceptance tests. Some test requirements may also be levied in the specific system
specification section.
All other requirements for testing are usually contained in specification sections 090 through
095 of the specifications.
10.1.8 Test Documentation Booklet (TDB)
A Test Documentation Booklet (TDB) should be prepared during contract design to define
the scope of the total ship testing program for both government and contractor provided
equipment and systems. The TDB should supplement specification sections 092 to 095,
may invoke use of the TDB, and after contract award, it provides the baseline from which the
contractor develops the test program. The TDB typically consists of:
a. Test Index: The test index provides a listing of each test procedure number and title.
Typically, test procedure numbers may be cross-referenced with the test narratives
of specification section 095.
b. Test Outlines: Test outlines define the scope of testing to be accomplished on GFE.
When test outlines are provided, the outlines serve as the basis for Government
preparation of the respective test procedure. Test outlines may also be provided for
interface between CFE and GFE or for CFE which is highly complicated or of special
interest to the Government. Typically, section 092 of the shipbuilding specification
defines the contractor's responsibility for use of test outlines.
c. Test Sequence Networks (TSNs): The TSNs in the TDB are provided to the
contractor as supplemental information that can be used in the bidding process.
Following contract award, test sequence networks are provided by the contractor to
establish the desired sequence of selected tests and the necessary prerequisite
tests. These networks should be reflected in the contractor's test schedules.
Typically, Specification Section 092 defines the extent to which TSNs are developed
and used by the contractor.
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10.1.9 Test Index
In accordance with the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL), the contractor must submit
a test index which provides a complete listing by test number and test title of all tests and
certifications to be conducted during the Ship Test Program. This test index is derived from
the government-developed TDB that is prepared prior to contract award and requirements
defined in specification sections 090 to 095.
The test index reflects testing which is stratified into seven test stages as defined by Military
Standard MIL-STD-2106A
, Appendix A, Development of Industrial Test Procedures”,
reference (j). Although seven stages are defined, testing at each stage for each equipment
and system is not always necessary. In some instances, an Engineering Process
Agreement (EPA) may be executed between SUPSHIP and the Contractor for testing
officially completed at land based test facilities. Official testing may be conducted at land
based test facilities up to stage 3 testing. Stage three testing through stage five testing may
be combined into one test procedure for certain systems. The combining will normally be in
the contractor-developed test index. Stage 4 testing and above shall be conducted
shipboard. Any deviation from the standard seven stage process shall first be approved by
the Government. Further changes or combining of tests proposed by the contractor must be
made and processed in accordance with the test requirements invoked in the contract. As
outlined in the TSTP Manual, the test stages are:
a. Stage 1 - Material Receipt Inspection and Shop Tests: Includes those tests and
inspections that provide for inventory management and physical inspection of new
material, equipment and systems, and associated documentation. These tests and
inspections are intended to ensure receipt of equipment in good physical condition by
the shipbuilder or other industrial organization. Stage 1 documentation is not
normally in the form of a test procedure.
Stage 1 further includes those tests and inspections conducted prior to shipboard
installation for new or repaired equipment or systems. In instances where equipment
and systems are repaired aboard ship, shop test procedures may be used to validate
readiness for shipboard testing. For work planning and cost accounting purposes,
Stage 1 is not part of the test program and will normally be a part of the industrial
organization's quality assurance program.
b. Stage 2 - Shipboard Installation Inspections and Tests: These are conducted
prior to operation of installed or relocated equipment, cabling, waveguide, piping,
ventilation, etc., to ensure that each installation has been accomplished in
accordance with established plans and specifications. The shipbuilder or industrial
organization is normally responsible for preparation of Stage 2 test procedures.
c. Stage 3 - Equipment Tests: Demonstrate that after shipboard installation, the
individual equipment performs within established limits and tolerances. These
equipment operability tests are conducted independent of the system (i.e., the
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equipment may be isolated from the system) and can be conducted prior to complete
system installation.
d. Stage 4 Intrasystem Tests: Demonstrate that equipment and required functions,
entirely within one independent system, perform within established limits and
tolerances. Stage 4 testing normally consists of intrasystem functions, signals, and
commands within a single independent system of the combat system or ship system.
Stage 4 includes all tests involving two or more items of equipment which do not
involve more than one independent system of the combat system or ship system.
Stage 4 tests may include tests between two or more items of equipment and
between two groups of equipment within the same “stand alone” system.
e. Stage 5 - Intersystem Tests: Involve testing the interfaces and interoperability
between two or more independent systems within a combat system, ship system, or
between the combat system and ship system. These tests demonstrate that two or
more independent systems perform a specific function or functions within established
standards. The exchange of intersystem signals, commands, functions and all
associated computer interfaces are included.
f. Stage 6 - Special Tests: Require special simulation facilities or resources external
to the immediate test organization, but are conducted as part of the dockside work
package for the industrial effort. Special tests can apply to one or more items of
equipment, a single system, or a number of systems, and may require total ship
operability. Stage 6 tests that can only be performed at-sea should be designated as
Stage 7. Normally, there will be very few Stage 6 tests in an industrial test program.
g. Stage 7 - Trials Tests: Must be conducted during sea trials (e.g., Builder's Trials
(BT), Acceptance Trials (AT), Underway Trials (UT), Combined Trials (CT), Super
Trials (ST), Post-Repair Trials (PRT) and Final Contract Trials (FCT)). Test
procedures are not identified with a Stage 7 number unless the test can only be
conducted entirely or partially at sea.
10.1.10 Test Schedule
In accordance with the CDRL, the contractor must prepare and submit a test schedule to
SUPSHIP showing the dates when the tests are to be conducted. The rescheduling of
individual tests because of changes in events or changes in material or other construction
scheduling shall be submitted to SUPSHIP/PM Test Team as promptly as possible. To
permit correction of defective work and to make necessary adjustments in sufficient time to
allow completion before the trials, the installation tests of the various units should be
conducted as soon as practical after installation. Also, ample time should be allowed
between the tests and trials to correct defects found during the tests. Test schedules should
be integrated into a Test Sequence Network (TSN).
The contractor's test schedule will be reviewed by the SUPSHIP/PM’s Test Organization to
ensure that the dates shown are realistic and valid on the basis of the time allowed for
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conducting the tests and the availability of the items to be tested and to ensure the dates
comply with the SPD when invoked. Questions concerning the schedule should be resolved
through discussion with the contractor. The contractor should develop a test report for each
test procedure as it is completed during the conduct of a test program. Each test report
should have the same test number as the test procedure used for test performance. Test
completion is defined as the date when the test procedure has been completed. Interim Test
Problem Reports (TPR) are accepted by the Government and incorporated after resolution in
the completed test procedure.
10.1.11 Test Organization SUPSHIP Test Team
The SUPSHIP/PM Test Team composition varies depending on program maturity and
contract requirements, the test program size, availability of personnel and tasking from the
PM. In accordance with NAVSEAINST 3960.5A
**, the Test Team is headed by a SUPSHIP-
appointed Local Total Ship Test Director (LTSTD) and is supported by a Local Combat
Systems Test Director (LCSTD) and Local Ship Systems Test Director (LSSTD). They will
team with the PM Test Director to accomplish the test program. There may be other
supporting test staff depending upon the scope of the test program. In general, the
SUPSHIP Test Team will administer all aspects of the waterfront test program. All personnel
coming to the shipyard to perform test program work come under the control of the LTSTD
even though they are not attached to the SUPSHIP. Test Development Directors
For major ship programs, in accordance with NAVSEAINST 3960.5A
**, the PM may assign a
Combat System Test Development Director (CSTDD) and a Ship System Test Development
Director (SSTDD) to manage the development and integration of combat systems and ship
systems tests and to assist the SUPSHIP in administering the test program. For surface
ships, the Naval Surface Weapons Center Port Hueneme Division (NSWC-PHD) will be
assigned as the CSTDD and the Naval Surface Weapons Center, Carderock Division
(NSWCCD) as the SSTDD.
During each detail design period, the assigned CSTDD and SSTDD will develop test
documentation for GFE and review the appropriate contractor-developed test documentation
for CFE. Such reviews will be coordinated with the responsible NAVSEA technical
organizations to ensure that previously developed test procedures are cost-effectively used
to the maximum extent possible for Government responsible testing. For surface ship
programs, the combat system test documentation repository is at NSWC-PHD and the ship
systems test documentation repository is at NSWCCD.
The PM may task the CSTDD and SSTDD organizations to provide an on-site Local Combat
System Test Development Director (LCSTDD) and Local Ship System Test Development
Director (LSSTDD) to assist the SUPSHIP LTSTD in administering the ship test program.
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These personnel are under the administrative control of SUPSHIP but are not part of that
organization. The LCSTDD and LSSTDD will be technically knowledgeable and will function
to augment the expertise of SUPSHIP and the contractor, particularly for new systems, by
resolving testing problems locally or by obtaining information quickly from the cognizant
organizations. They will support the LTSTD in test documentation management including
test document tracking and status; technical reviews of test requirements, test indices, test
procedures, test reports, schedules; and test problem reporting and resolution. The
LCSTDD and LSSTDD will provide the day-to-day liaison between the SUPSHIP Test Team
and the external Navy test development community. Test Task Group (TTG)
A Test Task Group (TTG) is established at the shipyard to assist in resolving problems
uncovered during the industrial test program. A functioning TTG concept provides rapid
communications among organizations involved and has proven beneficial in helping to
smooth test operations during the construction period. TTGs are an important, proven tool
used by the SUPSHIP LTSTD to get knowledgeable and responsible personnel together to
resolve test problems, identify daily and weekly test schedules, discuss status and progress,
etc. TTGs are used for both combat systems and ship systems, as well as for CFE and
GFE. Meetings of the TTG are usually convened separately for combat systems and for ship
systems because their agendas are seldom of common interest.
The composition of a TTG meeting will vary depending on the schedule of testing and the
current test problems; however, the TTG will generally be chaired by the Supervisor as
stated in the TSTP with representatives of the SUPSHIP Test Team, SUPSHIP technical
codes, test development organization (when tasked by the PM), and (as appropriate) Navy
field activities and equipment vendors. TTG membership should be composed of personnel
with direct knowledge of equipment and system details and local conditions and be in a
position to define problems with specificity and to act or to recommend action to resolve
problems quickly. Test and Evaluation Automated Management Information System (TEAMIS)
The Test and Evaluation Automated Management Information System (TEAMIS) is the
NAVSEA database of test and evaluation information is contained behind the NMCI firewall.
TEAMIS support for a given ship test program is tasked and funded by the PM to the CSTDD
because the databases physically reside at NSWC-PHD. Both combat system and ship
system test documentation information are contained in the TEAMIS data bases.
Information in the database is grouped into four major categories:
Test Document Master File: Contains information on each document assigned an
official test number, whether or not it is physically held in a NAVSEA repository.
Ship Project Files: Contains data on individual ship test programs including test
conduct status, test delivery status, test problem reporting, test change proposal, and
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** Denotes secure hyperlink requiring NMCI/CAC access
engineering change proposal tracking. In addition there are capabilities for analyzing
and generating output reports for test program management.
Point of Contact File: Identifies cognizant individuals and organizations for each
different ESWBS category. Names, addresses, telephone numbers, and other useful
data about each individual and the scope of responsibility for a particular ESWBS
category are included.
Action Item File: A simple database which has mailing capabilities for support in
managing the various aspects of a ship test program. The SHAPM TSTD or
SUPSHIP LTSTD can assign action items to involved field organizations and mail
these action items by way of the electronic mail system.
In addition to the main TEAMIS functions, there are small auxiliary database files that all
valid users can access including an on-line data element dictionary and the electronic mail
TEAMIS Ship Project Files are normally initiated by the CSTDD and SSTDD and maintained
at the waterfront by the LCSTDD and LSSTDD from inputs provided by the test development
and test management organizations. Subsequently, computer output reports are generated
by the LCSTDD and LSSTDD to support the LTSTD and others.
TEAMIS does not contain Aegis Ticonderoga (CG 47) Class or Arleigh Burke (DDG 51)
Class New Construction test and evaluation information. Information for the former ship
classes may be available from Aegis Technical Representative, Moorestown, N.J., (856)
Test and evaluation information for Aegis Ticonderoga (CG 47) Class or Arleigh Burke (DDG
51) Class repair availabilities may be obtained from NSWC PHD, Air Dominance
Department, Code A34, Port Hueneme, CA 93043, (805) 228-7594.
Access to the TEAMIS data bases may be arranged through the CSTDD at NSWC PHD, Air
Dominance Department, Code A34, Port Hueneme, Ca 93043, (805) 228-7594, or the
LCSTDD at the shipyard.
10.1.12 Test Procedures Government-Furnished Test Procedures
Test procedures prepared by the Government are based on the test outlines contained in the
Test Documentation Booklet. Actual preparation of Government responsible test procedures
is accomplished through the test development organization based on requirements
established and directed by the PM designated TSTD. To effect standardization, test
procedure format and content will be in accordance with MIL-STD-2106A
, Appendix B.
Where new equipment and systems are being developed and/or acquired for ships, the
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engineering process and documentation provided by MIL-STD-2106A should be invoked in
contracts by the equipment/system acquisition manager.
Government-responsible test procedures are provided to the SUPSHIP LTSTD for delivery to
the contractor by the CSTDD and SSTDD. Contractor-Furnished Test Procedures
Test procedures prepared by the contractor are submitted to SUPSHIP and the test
development organization in accordance with the CDRL. Review for format and content will
be performed and comments/recommendations or approval provided through the LTSTD to
the contractor. Standard test procedure format and content should be in accordance with
, which is typically identified in the ship specification package section 092.
10.1.13 Test Witnessing
A test program objective is to have 100 percent of final tests witnessed by SUPSHIP or
authorized Government representatives, as specified in the TSTP, paragraph 2.8.c. Each
test must be conducted in the presence of such witnesses except where the SUPSHIP/PM
Test Team has authorized the contractor to proceed with conducting and certifying the
results of the test. No test should be started without prior notification to the SUPSHIP/PM
Test Team of date and time. Notification must be provided sufficiently in advance to allow for
test witness planning. Specific requirements for test notification should typically be included
in specification section 092.
10.1.14 Test Reports
In accordance with the CDRL, the contractor must prepare and submit test reports and
supporting data for each test procedure conducted. Test reports document the test results
and findings in relation to technical specification requirements. Test reports include the test
procedure with completed and signed data recording sheets, test equipment sheets,
comment sheets, all data recordings which can be manually analyzed, plus the results of
analysis of the raw data records taken at time of test. Generally, the signing of any data
sheet by a Government test witness signifies only that the test was conducted in accordance
with the approved test procedure and that test data was accurately recorded. Test data
requiring technical review and acceptance by the Government shall be submitted to
SUPSHIP as soon as practical upon completion of each test procedure. Unless otherwise
stipulated in the contract, the contractor will usually retain the originals of all test data and
make it available to SUPSHIP/PM Test Team upon request or post on the virtual office
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** Denotes secure hyperlink requiring NMCI/CAC access
10.1.15 Test Problem Reporting and Resolution System Test Change Proposal (TCP)
The Test Change Proposal (TCP) is used to make changes to approved test documentation
prior to actual test conduct. Test documentation changes proposed as a result of test
conduct are processed and controlled through the test problem reporting and resolution
system. The use of a TCP is typically provided for by Section 092 of the ship specification.
The TCP is generally used to correct errors in test documentation, primarily test procedures,
caused by design changes or equipment changes. A TCP is not considered to be a problem
report. Test Problem Report (TPR)
A Test Problem Report (TPR) is used to document discrepancies and problems in test
documentation, equipment, or performance encountered while using specified test
procedures during test conduct. A TPR is written when the test procedure cannot be
performed as written. The TPR supports the problem reporting and corrective action process
required by the TSTP. The use of a TPR is typically provided by section 092 of the ship
specification and usually requires resolution in less than 48 hours to prevent delay and
disruption. A TPR is usually handled and resolved by the Local Total Ship Test Director
(LTSTD) and the LCSTDD or LSSTDD. When local resolution is not possible, the LCSTDD
or LSSTDD will request technical expert assistance from the external test development
organization. Establishment and Control
An integral part of the conduct of the ship construction test program is the procedure for
identification and timely resolution of problems identified during shipyard testing. When
required by contact, the Ship Construction Test Manual (SCTM) requires that a shipyard test
problem reporting and resolution system be established for each ship program. Such a
system must be defined in the ship specification and invoked in the contract. The SUPSHIP
is responsible for administering the operation of the Government portion of the system
supporting the SCTM. The SUPSHIP will make every effort to resolve problems locally using
the TTG and engineering services provided on-site by the PM. When formal assistance is
required from external organizations, SUPSHIP will refer the problem to the engineering
organizations identified by the PM designated TSTD. The test problem report form of
Appendix F to the SCTM is usually used for this referral. SUPSHIP will assign response time
for referred problems based on the severity and impact of the problem. Engineering Organizations
The Program Manager is responsible for tasking Participating Managers (PARMs), other
government organizations and NAVSEA 05 for any requirements that are up to and above
those stipulated in NAVSEAINST 5400.95F
**, Waterfront Engineering and Technical
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** Denotes secure hyperlink requiring NMCI/CAC access
Authority Policy, reference (k), via the SPD or another official document, to provide
engineering support, points of contact, and individuals with the authority to certify technical
accuracy of proposed resolutions. The Program Manager will provide this information to the
SUPSHIP in support of the TSTP. Refer to Chapter 8 of this manual for policy on Field
Engineering and Waterfront Technical Authority. Documentation Changes
The Program Manager appointed CSTDD and SSTDD work jointly with the SUPSHIP/PM
Test Team and LTSTD to establish procedures to ensure that any corrections made to test
documentation during the conduct of the test program are provided to the responsible test
documentation development organization. This activity is normally accomplished by the
LCSTDD and LSSTDD. In this way, such corrections can be incorporated into the test
documentation for subsequent ships of the class and other ship programs with the same
equipment and systems. Multi-Shipyard Programs
Test problem reporting and resolution is especially critical for multi-shipyard construction test
programs, since problems may affect more than one yard and the best resolution for one
yard may not be the optimal outcome for another. Tracking and maintaining the status of
test problems must be current and accurate. The PM will establish an integrated test
problem tracking and status system to provide SUPSHIPs with current information. The
SUPSHIP and the Test Team at each shipyard are tasked to provide the inputs required to
maintain currency.
10.2 Application of TSTP to Post Shakedown Availability (PSA)
and Major Repair Work
10.2.1 Introduction
The requirements for performing production acceptance testing is defined in NAVSEAINST
3960.5A**. The NSA will ensure that test program management and testing is accomplished
in accordance with the Total Ship Test Program Manual when applicable, or as outlined in
COMFLTFORCOMINST 4790.3, the Joint Fleet Maintenance Manual (JFMM), reference
(l). NAVSEA 0924-062-0010, Rev C, SUBSAFE Requirements Manual, is also applicable for
major submarine availabilities. The objective in applying the Total Ship Test Program
principles in a major industrial availability is to provide a test program that will effectively and
efficiently assure that the work performed by all organizations was properly completed and to
assess the ship's readiness to perform its mission at the completion of the industrial period
when it is redelivered to the Fleet. The technical and inspection requirements to be met by
the contractor are detailed in the work item specifications. Normally, both the work
specification and the NAVSEA Standard Items (or other requirements) referenced in the
work item must be used to determine the complete technical requirements, check points and
other testing to be satisfied by the contractor. Should a private industrial activity be
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designated by contract to perform the function as the Lead Maintenance Activity (LMA), as
defined in the JFMM, it is the LMA’s responsibility to schedule, integrate and track all test
and test results, including those of outside activities as specified in Specification Sections
10.2.2 Ship System Testing (HM&E)
The Immediate Superior-In-Command (ISIC) will determine the requirement for Light-Off
Assessments (LOAs), using the guidance in the JFMM, for ships undergoing a PSA or other
types of depot level availabilities. The following Recurring Work Items (RWIs) have been
established to provide guidance for obtaining the necessary contractor support and
preparations for complex and non-complex LOAs. NSA will incorporate the following, as
applicable, in the contract.
NAVSEA SI 009-43 LOA “Support for Steam Propulsion System”;
NAVSEA SI 009-44-LOA “Support for Gas Turbine Propulsion System”;
NAVSEA SI 009-66 LOA “Support for Diesel Propulsion System”; and,
NAVSEA SWI 092-02 “Pre-LOA Assistance for Contractor Support”.
A Fleet Engineering Mobile Assessment Team may visit to conduct inspections onboard the
ship prior to the LOA so that systems or equipment that require corrective maintenance can
be identified and written into the work package.
10.2.3 Combat System Testing
Current NAVSEA guidance has established the following criteria:
a. For short availabilities, normally less than 120 days, Stage 3 (equipment tests) and
Stage 4 (intrasystem tests) of the TSTP will be scheduled only for equipment and
systems modified, overhauled, or repaired. Selected additional Stage 4 and Stage 5
through Stage 7 testing will be specified in the ITP to check interfaces disconnected or
changed during the availability. Except for testing associated with SHIPALTs or
ORDALTs, testing requirements for shorter availabilities is a TYCOM decision.
b. For longer availabilities, testing requirements will increase proportionally with the length
and complexity of the combat system work. ROH and COH require Stage 3 testing of all
equipment and Stage 4 intra-system and Stage 5 through Stage 7 testing of all systems
to demonstrate overall combat system operability readiness. Lower level testing of
equipment modified, overhauled, or repaired will be accomplished by the activity
screened to perform the work item. The industrial activity should accomplish the higher
level intersystem testing (Stage 5 and above). In cases where work is performed within
the system by an organization other than the industrial activity (e.g., Ship’s Force or
Alteration Installation Team (AIT)), the activity which performed work within the system
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shall support the industrial activity in the accomplishment of the higher level testing
(Stage 5 and above).
These requirements are invoked in the specifications by appropriate work items based
on the NAVSEA standard work item 844-series. Work Item 844-series tasks the
contractor to develop a test plan, generate test sequence networks, arrange for
temporary services to support testing, and manage the testing to ensure an orderly and
timely completion.
10.3 Trials and Delivery
10.3.1 Policy
The Navy's primary mission, established by Public Law and reiterated in the U.S. Navy
Regulations, is to conduct prompt and sustained combat operations at sea. The tasks of
conducting trials and inspections of Navy ships have been established to assist the Navy in
meeting its mission responsibility.
The policies and procedures that must be followed are in OPNAVINST 4700.8K
NAVSEAINST 4700.11. The policies of CNO on ship trials and delivery are as follows:
a. Ships and submarines will be fully mission-capable with all contractual and
Governmental responsibilities resolved at delivery, except for crew certification (surface
ships), outfitting, or special Navy range requirements which cannot be met until after
b. The Deputy CNO (Resources, Warfare Requirements & Assessment) makes the final
determination of readiness for service.
c. Independent verification of readiness of surface ships and submarines for acceptance
and recommendation for Fleet introduction is the responsibility of the Board of Inspection
and Survey (INSURV).
10.3.2 General
Before Navy acceptance of a ship, the contractor is required to conduct a series of operating
and performance trials at sea. Pre-sea trial requirements, such as dock trials, fast cruise,
pre-trial audit, and combat system trial rehearsal, are required by the specifications for some
ship types, particularly submarines and nuclear-powered surface ships. Section 094 of the
Ship Specifications delineates the requirements for ship trials. The specific tests to be
conducted during trials are contained in Section 095. Figure 10-1 contains an example of
notional trials milestones for a typical new construction, conversion, or modernization ship
and illustrates the sequence of trials and related events.
Trials at sea include the BTs, that are witnessed by SUPSHIP/PM (and INSURV for nuclear
ship's propulsion plant) and other Navy personnel; and ATs, that are witnessed by INSURV
(for other than propulsion on nuclear-powered ships) and other Government personnel. The
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primary purpose of BT is to demonstrate that the ship is, or will be, ready for AT. The
conduct and content of the BT will, as a minimum, be the same as that intended for AT.
When BT has been successfully completed, the ship, with INSURV aboard, is taken to sea
for AT with satisfactory completion as a condition of the Navy's acceptance of the ship.
Terminology and content of these trials may vary in the larger shipbuilding programs; for
example, AT might be used in place of BT, or BT in place of combat system trials. Specific
requirements will be contained in the contract specifications. In certain programs the
contract specifies that a “combined” or “super trial” be conducted that incorporates all trials
up to and including AT.
Nuclear-powered ships are placed In Serviceabout two weeks before start of the first sea
trial. Fitting out is performed at the building yard before delivery. Before operations at sea,
the ship and crew must undergo a Pre-Critical Reactor Safeguard Examination and Fast
Cruise. A nuclear-powered ship is normally placed In Commission Special” or
Commission” within several weeks of delivery. The SUPSHIP is responsible for
recommending dates to COMNAVSEA for placing the ship In Service; In Commission
Special; or In Commission as applicable. Nuclear-powered ships undergoing overhaul,
conversion, or nuclear refueling normally remain In Commission with a crew assigned. For
nuclear-powered ships, following U.S. Navy Crew Certification, BT tests requiring full power
can be performed.
Ship acquisition contracts contain a Delivery of Completed Vessels clause. Under this
clause, the contractor is prohibited from tendering the vessel for delivery until satisfactory
completion of AT. This clause also delineates the condition of the vessel at the time of
delivery. AT cannot be held without SUPSHIP concurrence that the vessel is ready for the
Detailed trial requirements for a specific ship or class are found in Section 094 of the Ship
Specifications. Basic guidance to SUPSHIP for conduct of trials and delivery of
nuclear-powered ships is provided by OPNAVINST N9080.3G
, reference (m) (issue
applicable to the contract). SUPSHIP should prepare an internal instruction delineating
organizational responsibilities and relationships with the Program Manager.
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Figure 10-1: Major Notional Milestones During Construction/Conversion
(Conventional propulsion)
Trials are also conducted for boats and other small craft. These trials, performed under the
cognizance of a SUPSHIP, are usually not witnessed by INSURV but by a trial board. The
trial board is selected by SUPSHIP at the direction of INSURV, and with the concurrence of
the PM. Boats and craft require full USCG equipment during trials.
10.3.3 Trials and Delivery of Ships Builder's Dock Trials (BDT), Trial Rehearsal, and Fast Cruise
Nuclear-powered ship’s propulsion plant is operated by certified Navy personnel vice
contractor personnel for conventional propulsion plants. Navy crew will operate the nuclear
propulsion plant during all phases of testing and trials. Builder’s Dock Trials (BDT) consist of
tests conducted to determine the ability of the ship from a material standpoint to safely
conduct sea trials. BDT is conducted during a 24-hour period sufficiently in advance of sea
trials to correct deficiencies which would prevent the ship from safely conducting sea trials.
Operational tests of machinery, equipment, and systems that have not been previously
tested will be operated during sea trials.
Combat System Trial Rehearsal is a dry run of the tests and operations of the combat
system that will be required during sea trials. In particular, all required navigational
equipment shall be tested. The trial rehearsal should be conducted with personnel who will
operate the equipment at sea. The purpose of the trial rehearsal is to validate allowed time
and sequencing for the tests and to avoid surprises during sea trials. Pre-trial audit consists
of operability demonstrations for a Project Management team immediately before AT.
STAGE 1 -3
ESLO – Electronic Systems Light Off
CSLO – Combat Systems Light Off
EGLO Electric Generator Light Off
MELO Main Engine Light Off
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Nuclear ships and submarines are placed “in service” prior to conduct of the Fast Cruise that
is a period during which the ship is made available for dockside training for contractor
personnel and/or a Navy crew immediately before initial sea trials. The fast cruise period is
typically unhampered by industrial work. No trials, tests, inspections, examinations, or work
should be scheduled by the builder, Supervising Authority, or forces afloat during the fast
cruise. Since successful completion of fast cruise normally will be followed within a day by
commencement of sea trials, it is important to ensure the ship is ready for sea when fast
cruise commences.
Before BDT or other operations of the propeller or intake, the site is to be inspected by both
the contractor and SUPSHIP to ensure that no conditions exist that could damage the vessel
during the trials or operations, such as shallow water and debris in the water which could
damage the propellers or foul the intakes. Builder's Trials (BT)
At sea testing is phase two of Builder’s Trials (BT) and is in accordance with the trial
requirements (normally section 094) of the ship specifications. BT is required to demonstrate
that the ship is seaworthy and that the equipment and systems are operational and ready for
AT. BT is necessary for the proper demonstration of electronics installations, such as air
search radar, fire control tracking, search and listening sonar, and similar equipment that
require a land-free area and deep water in which to operate. In short, all tests and
demonstrations that cannot be performed dockside are accomplished during BT.
The BT may be combined with AT, where such action is authorized. In such cases, all tests,
except those requiring sea conditions, must be completed before or during the dockside test
program (Stage 2 through 6).
In accordance with the CDRL requirements, the contractor must give SUPSHIP advance
notice of BT and provide a trial agenda and schedule of events indicating tests the contractor
plans to conduct. SUPSHIP is responsible for providing copies of applicable BT/AT test
memoranda and procedures to INSURV one month before BT.
Before starting BT, all conditions required by Section 094 (or equivalent trial section) of the
ship specifications will have been met. Every reasonable effort must be exerted to meet all
conditions. If unusual circumstances preclude such timely accomplishment, the SUPSHIP
and contractor agree, and COMNAVSEA approves proceeding with BT without one or more
of the conditions having been met fully (all safety item conditions must be met fully), the trials
may proceed if the facts are documented and a system is established to ensure timely
resolution of the waived item(s).
SUPSHIP is responsible for ensuring that the contractor carries out all contractual
requirements of the trials. Although one BT is generally sufficient for surface ships, other
trials may be necessary to satisfy SUPSHIP that the ship is ready for AT.
The contractor is responsible for supplying a competent trial crew to operate the ship during
BT, except for submarines and nuclear-powered ships, including a licensed master for the
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waters to be navigated and a qualified chief engineer for the horsepower and tonnage of the
ship. For ships other than submarines and nuclear-powered ships, the contractor is
responsible for providing a qualified radio operator and obtaining necessary frequency
authorization from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for use of commercial
ship-to-shore and ship-to-ship channels during trials. If Navy channels are used, approval
must be obtained from CNO or NAVSEA and a qualified Navy operator must supervise the
use. In the absence of such authority, or if no qualified Navy operator is available, the
contractor's crew must include a licensed commercial operator and must operate on the
frequencies assigned by the FCC.
SUPSHIP should review and approve the list of personnel not employed by the contractor
(i.e., subcontractor representatives or vendors) whom the contractor desires to have onboard
at the time of trials. For nuclear-powered ships, this review is performed by SUPSHIP and
NAVSEA. Before the trials, SUPSHIP should furnish the contractor with a list of all
Government personnel who will be onboard the ship as observers. Subject to the limits of
available berthing and messing facilities, SUPSHIP representatives attend the trials to
witness the operation of all equipment and to observe the recording of the required data.
The Pre-commissioning Commanding Officer (PCO) of conventional-powered ships and
certain key personnel also attend to become acquainted with the operating details of
electronic, weapons, and machinery installations.
During BT, a simulated INSURV inspection will be conducted in accordance with the
guidelines of INSURVINST 4730.1F for surface ships and INSURVINST.2F for submarines.
The contractor will function as the presenting authority and SUPSHIP/PM Test Team will
function as INSURV. Electronic Trial Cards will be utilized to document known non-
compliant discrepancies, including items identified in outstanding Quality Deficiency
Reports/Corrective Action Reports. Deficiencies disclosed during all trials will be
documented on Electronic Trial Cards and the status maintained in the management data
base. After completion of BT, SUPSHIP will notify COMNAVSEA and INSURV of the results
of the trials and of any deficiencies (including operational equipment not onboard) that
cannot be corrected in time for AT. The SUPSHIP report certifying the ship is ready for AT
will generally be in accordance with SOM Appendix 10-A. Acceptance Trials (AT)
This section discusses the SUPSHIP responsibilities on conduct of Acceptance Trials (AT) in
general terms, detailed requirements are set forth in:
, “Trials and Material Inspection on Ships Conducted by The
Board of Inspection and Survey”, reference (n)
OPNAVINST 4730.7F, “Material Inspection of Submarines by the Board of Inspection
and Survey”, reference (o)
INSURVINST 4730.1 (series), “Trials and Inspections of Surface Ships”, reference
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INSURVINST 4730.2 (series), “Trials and Material Inspections of Submarines”,
reference (h)
INSURVINST 4730.11 (series), “Documentation of Deficiencies”, reference (i)
INSURVINST 4730.21 (series), “AAW/DTE/SD DTE and Long Range Air Search
Radar Performance Demonstrations”, reference (p)
INSURVINST 4730.22 (series), “Standards for Surface Ship Undersea Warfare
(USW) Demonstration”, reference (q)
The AT requirements should be detailed in section 094 (or equivalent trial section) of the
shipbuilding specifications.
The Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) is responsible for witnessing the AT. The
purpose of the trial is to determine whether the ship has been completed in accordance with
the contract specifications and is operationally ready. The AT is also an opportunity to verify
that the product:
conforms to the design and manufacturing requirements of the contract
is free from all defects in materials and workmanship
will conform to the performance requirements of the contract
will meet the mission requirements as outlined in the Operational Requirements
Document/Capability Development Document (CDD) from OPNAV
Depending on the trial results, the INSURV board either recommends acceptance of the ship
or requires additional trials at a later date when specific deficiencies have been corrected.
The board's recommendation to accept delivery may be conditioned upon completion of
certain work items before the delivery. In this event, the Accepting Authority must be
assured that these items are completed before acceptance takes place. Generally, when a
return inspection is impractical or unnecessary, the board delegates responsibility to the
SUPSHIP for determining that work is completed and reporting this to the accepting
Under the Delivery of Completed Vessel clause, the contractor must satisfy three
requirements before the acceptance trials, as follows:
a. Correction of all contractor-responsible defects discovered before completion of BT
unless otherwise agreed to by the Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO);
b. Correction of all contractor-responsible defects discovered after BT that will adversely
affect the operational capability of the vessel as defined in the clause; and
c. Certification to and concurrence of SUPSHIP that the vessel is ready for AT.
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The contractor must notify INSURV via the SUPSHIP of the proposed date for AT in
accordance with the CDRL. The SUPSHIP should forward the contractor's letter with the
SUPSHIP endorsement only when the SUPSHIP concurs that the vessel is ready or can
reasonably be expected to be ready for the trials. The letter and endorsement are directed
to the President of INSURV with a copy to NAVSEA. OPNAVINST 4700.8K
SUPSHIP to recommend trial dates to the President of INSURV and to keep the President
informed of any necessary changes. Any deficiencies in the material readiness of the ship to
join the Fleet must be noted by SUPSHIP in the endorsement of the contractor's letter.
Subsequently, the SUPSHIP should maintain liaison with INSURV and progress the ship to
ensure that the SUPSHIP still concurs with the contractor's certification that the vessel is
ready for AT.
Depending on CDRL requirements, the contractor must provide a trial agenda approximately
60 days before the trial. The agenda outlines the tests and demonstrations to conduct and
contains a chronological schedule of events, including all Stage 7 (at sea) tests. The
SUPSHIP reviews the agenda and schedule to determine whether successful completion of
the proposed tests will demonstrate that the ship fulfills the contract requirements and
whether the proposed schedule is feasible and free of conflicts. At least 30 days before the
trials, SUPSHIP forwards all documentation required by various INSURV instructions,
including a Trial Agenda, to INSURV. The agenda represents only a fundamental set of
demonstrations. Additional tests and demonstrations will be requested by INSURV
inspectors, if necessary, to pinpoint deficiencies when unsatisfactory or marginal
performance is observed.
When INSURV arrives for AT, SUPSHIP will provide the attending recorder with the
certificates and other information required by INSURVINST 4730.1F (surface ships) or
INSURVINST 4730.2F (submarines). The certificates are prepared by the contractor and
approved by SUPSHIP. SUPSHIP approval may be based on review of the contractor's
quality control system and records, as well as on direct observation by Government
inspectors. SUPSHIP will present the following certificate to INSURV:
In construction/activation of (SHIP NAME) the contract plans and specifications,
circular of requirements, activation requirements and authorized changes thereto
have been satisfactorily fulfilled, except as noted below (summarized by
Departments; if none, so state).
All known deficiencies at the time of arrival of the INSURV Board Members will have been
recorded on Electronic Trial Cards and are presented to the respective Board Members. The
Board Members will verify the existing deficiencies. All emergent or observed discrepancies
during attendance at the trials will be recorded utilizing the format of the Electronic Trial Card
and will be input into the management database of trial deficiencies. INSURV Deficiency Criteria
INSURV uses standards set forth in such documents as the installation drawings, electronics
installation and maintenance books, technical manuals, Planned Maintenance System
(PMS)/Resource Management System (RMS) requirements, and general arrangement
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drawings to evaluate the completeness of a ship for acceptance and measure a ship's
readiness to carry out assigned mission requirements in accordance with the CPD or
ROC/POE specified by CNO and the ship building specifications. INSURV uses standard
Navy references and procedures typically employed throughout the system. The following
criteria for identifying and classifying deficiencies are used:
a. In general, deficiencies are items which require corrective action to bring the material
condition or system performance of the ship into compliance with the required standards.
These include:
Failure of equipment to meet performance or safety requirements;
Requirements for excessive maintenance resources;
Incomplete or unsatisfactorily completed installations, equipment, equipage, repair
parts, publications, or plans;
Incomplete or unsatisfactorily completed inspections, certifications, or tests;
Conditions in violation of current environmental pollution standards;
Deficiencies still outstanding from previous INSURV trials;
Deficiencies which require corrective action by maintenance activities other than the
contractor or the subcontractor(s); and
Deficiencies in Planned Maintenance, such as missing, incomplete, or inaccurate
MRCs, or inadequate support due to lack of test equipment, tools, lubricants, or
special materials required to perform PMS.
b. Deficiency forms will be prepared in the Electronic Trial Card format or in accordance
with INSURVINST 4730.11J. Deficiency forms on minor items (for example, painting and
broken vent handles) are not desired in accordance with Chapter 9, Contract
Administration Quality Assurance Program. Furthermore, only items outstanding at the
time of the inspection should be included.
c. A deficiency may exist at the outset or may occur as the result of a casualty during the
course of a trial. Either case will be documented as a deficiency. If a deficiency is
corrected during a trial, the deficiency will be documented as a deficiency and annotated
as (corrected).
d. Arrangements for personnel to attend AT should be the same as those made for BT.
The number of observers should be limited to avoid interference with the ship's operating
personnel and with the functions of INSURV.
e. Suitable accommodations, including adequate space to conduct conferences during the
trials, should be provided for the INSURV board members. Gear, equipment, and other
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items required by the board are described in INSURVINST 4730.1F and INSURVINST
f. The contractor must provide a qualified organization with sufficient technical, operating
(for non-nuclear-powered ships), and data-taking personnel to demonstrate that
equipment and machinery meets performance specifications. Data-taking
responsibilities involve:
Observation and collection of data and preparation of test reports;
Preparation of all trial forms;
Establishment of a trial board room with ample personnel for recording and
computing data (not applicable for submarines);
Provision of a means for expeditious posting of current results; and
Preparation and publication of complete trial data.
g. For installed systems and equipment, the contractor must provide:
A single coordinator for demonstrations;
Sufficient qualified technical personnel to ensure satisfactory performance of
equipment; and
Sufficient qualified personnel to operate and demonstrate the capability of the
equipment to meet performance specifications. Ship Systems and Equipment Demonstrations
SUPSHIP will review the qualifications of the contractor's proposed trial crew to demonstrate
equipment capabilities, giving particular attention to the qualifications of radar, sonar, and
target tracking operators; ship-to-military aircraft communications personnel; and
communication supervisors and operators if U.S. Navy communication facilities are to be
used during the trials. When techniques peculiar to the military are involved and SUPSHIP
considers requiring the contractor to furnish qualified crew members to be unreasonable,
SUPSHIP will arrange for Navy personnel to assist the contractor in demonstrating the
operational capabilities of the particular equipment.
SUPSHIP is responsible for arranging and scheduling the services of naval aircraft and ships
necessary in testing radar and other shipboard equipment during trials as prescribed by
INSURVINST 4730.1F and INSURVINST 4730.2F. In making these arrangements, the
aircraft organization should be informed in detail on what the exercises will consist of and
how and when the exercises will be conducted. SUPSHIP is also responsible for arranging
and scheduling shore station support for exterior communications tests.
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SUPSHIP should ensure that various items of trial equipment, electronic test equipment,
instruments, or other apparatus required by the contract are installed in the ship before trials.
In addition, the condition of the ship must meet the requirements of the trial section (usually
section 094 of the ship specifications) of the ship specifications. After the trials, the
necessary precautions should be taken to prevent damage to any trial equipment belonging
to the Government; such equipment should be removed and carefully packed and shipped
by the contractor in accordance with the contract terms.
AT includes comprehensive operating tests, Stage 7 defined by section 092 of the ship
specifications, as well as material inspections to determine the ship conforms with the
contract requirements. INSURVINST 4730.1F and INSURVINST 4730.2F outline the many
tests and demonstrations required; the board may prescribe other tests and demonstrations
as circumstances warrant. The board also may request that copies of purchase
specifications for specific items of equipment be made available for verification of
specification requirements. Use of the contractor's files on return to port will normally suffice.
SUPSHIP is responsible for coordinating the actions of the contractor and prospective ship's
company during AT, as illustrated below:
a. The contractor's representatives and the inspectors from SUPSHIP office should check
the draft of the vessel to verify that trial displacement is in accordance with contract
requirements. The adequacy, operation, and cleanliness of the lubricating oil installation
should be examined. All main propulsion equipment, main gear, and shaft bearings
should be inspected for abnormal temperatures and the smoothness of operation should
be observed, checking any noise and vibration. All valves should be tested for ease of
handling and proper operation. The location of ladders, gratings, and other compartment
and access arrangements should be checked to ensure that these arrangements permit
satisfactory operation of and accessibility to the machinery installation and equipment.
Inspection should be made for steam, water, and oil leaks.
b. After completing AT, all steam connections should be checked to ensure these are
thoroughly drained.
c. Within 30 days of completion, SUPSHIP should submit to NAVSEA a copy of the
recorded information on submarine hydraulic systems tests obtained during the dock
trials and sea trials.
d. Disassembly of machinery to permit post-trial examinations will be as specified by
INSURV. Before the board leaves the ship upon return from sea, SUPSHIP should
obtain a letter covering the post-trial examination or an advance copy of the list of
machinery installations to be opened for the post-trial examination from the INSURV
board. The PCO's representative should be present as the various pieces of machinery
are opened. Before delivery of the ship, the contractor should clean the machinery and
systems required by the contract.
e. SUPSHIP is responsible for developing and classifying items of remaining work identified
on the Electronic Trial Cards for presentation to INSURV on arrival for the trials, in
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accordance with INSURVINST’s 4730.1F, 4730.2F, and 4730.11J. SUPSHIP
classification of work items is a preliminary classification only. Final identification of all
deficiencies is the function of INSURV as outlined in INSURVINST 4730.11J. The
board's action is formally set forth in the board's trial report subsequently submitted to
the President of INSURV, CNO, NAVSEA, and other interested Navy activities.
f. The NAVSEA representatives, PM and SUPSHIPs personnel work together to review
the board's final deficiency list and provide advance authorization to correct the deficient
items as appropriate before delivery. SUPSHIPs Trial Coordinator prepares a formal list
of the trial deficiencies that includes the board's classification and numbering system and
the action prescribed by the NAVSEA representative and distributes the list to the
INSURV board, PM and NAVSEA Codes. The INSURV board incorporates the
SUPSHIP list by reference and prepares the formal report/”quick look report”. NAVSEA
issues a final action letter that changes, adds to, or confirms the preliminary action
indicated on the SUPSHIP list. After reviewing the formal list of trial deficiencies, the
contractor provides to the SUPSHIP a list of contractor-responsible items to which the
contractor takes exception. SUPSHIP then forwards the contractor's comments with
recommendations to NAVSEA for resolution.
g. All items classified by INSURV as single starred items must be accomplished before
delivery of the vessel, unless a waiver is granted by CNO or the board amends the
h. Double starred deficiencies are applicable only to ships constructed, converted, or
modernized with a separate fitting-out period assigned away from the building site.
Double starred deficiencies must be corrected before the ship is moved from the building
site, unless a waiver is granted by CNO or the board amends the classification. Completion of Work
SUPSHIP is responsible for ensuring that the required work is satisfactorily accomplished.
At the time of delivery, the contractor must submit written comments on all items remaining
on the work list; these comments should appear in the delivery letter. The contractor's
comments may be in the following form, as appropriate:
Contractor will forward to the ship as soon as received.
Contractor is unable to complete at his shipyard before delivery of the ship and
requests that the work be done by the fitting out yard and treated as a change under
the contract.
Contractor does not consider this item to be part of the specifications of the contract.
The delivery letter should also contain similar comments by SUPSHIP concerning items for
which the Government is responsible.
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31 Delivery of Completed Vessels
When the contract contains the Delivery of Completed Vessels clause, the contractor cannot
tender the ship for delivery until all contractor-responsible deficiencies discovered before or
after completion of the acceptance trial that will adversely affect the operational capability of
the vessel, as defined in the clause, are satisfactorily corrected. The clause also requires
that the contractor and the ACO agree on the manner of correcting outstanding
contractor-responsible defects remaining after delivery of the vessel. If agreement is not
reached, the defects may be corrected as directed by the ACO. Acceptance of delivery of
the vessel is recommended by INSURV, and this recommendation is sent to COMNAVSEA
(the accepting authority), SUPSHIP, and other interested Navy activities. The accepting
authority responsibilities assigned to COMNAVSEA will typically be carried out by agents
acting for the Commander, NAVSEAINST 4700.11
. Normally, the Supervisor will sign the
DD 250. The accepting authority is designated by CNO to accept delivery on behalf of the
Government. Ship contracts can require delivery to be made at a Naval Ship Yard (NSY) or,
for nuclear-powered ships, at the contractor's plant.
After completion of the work required by INSURV, SUPSHIP notifies NAVSEA by letter that
the ship is ready for delivery. SUPSHIP also prepares a letter to the contractor instructing
the contractor to deliver the ship; however, this letter is not forwarded until NAVSEA so
directs. NAVSEA, as required by NAVSEAINST 4700.11
, will request the TYCOM to
conduct the pre-commissioning habitability inspection required by OPNAVINST 4700.8K.
For surface ships not fitted out in the building yard, SUPSHIP will:
a. Obtain from the contractor the itinerary and schedule for the transit of the vessel to the
delivery point, and provide the schedule to CNO (N-8) and appropriate Fleet
b. Ensure that the contractor has obtained the necessary clearances required to enter and
clear any port planned to be visited enroute to the delivery point. Delivery Letter
A delivery letter, RCS NAVSEA 9000-1, is prepared by SUPSHIP and addressed to the
accepting authority, COMNAVSEA, with copies to the PCO, the outfitting activity, the Type
Commander (TYCOM), the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), and the
applicable Financial Information Processing Center (FIPC) (DFAS and FIPC need only
receive the cover letter without enclosures). The delivery letter will supply the following
a. The authority for delivery of the ship;
b. The proposed date and place of delivery;
c. A statement that the ship was constructed in accordance with the contract specifications,
subject to any special conditions explained in the letter or its enclosures; and
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d. Other pertinent comments, such as the rights of the Government under the "Guarantee"
clause of the contract and the need for prompt information on the occurrence of
guarantee defects.
e. The following information will also be included as enclosures to the delivery letter:
(1) A list of incomplete or unsatisfactory work at the time of delivery for which the
contractor is responsible;
(2) A list of incomplete or unsatisfactory work at the time of delivery for which the
Government is responsible;
(3) A statement on the status of changes at the time of delivery;
(4) A list of the INSURV work items completed before delivery; and
(5) A list of the INSURV work items not completed before delivery. Documenting Deficiencies in Ship’s CSMP
Automated Ships Maintenance Action Forms (OPNAV Form 4790/2K) should be prepared
and submitted as enclosures to the PCO letter that identifies each INSURV work item, as a
remaining deficiency, at the time of delivery. The following data element blocks on the
OPNAV Form 4790/2K should be completed:
Ships UIC
Ships Name
Hull Number
Equipment Noun Name
1200/300 per form/
Max. of four forms
All other data elements on the OPNAV Form 4790/2K will be left blank for completion by
Ship's Force, as applicable, and entry into the Ships Maintenance and Material Management
(3-M) System for construction of the ship's baseline Current Ship Maintenance Project
(CSMP) file.
Twenty-four hours before a ship's departure from the builder's yard, SUPSHIP will advise
COMNAVSEA of the proposed movements of the ship. SUPSHIP will advise CNO and
NAVSEA by naval message immediately of departure of the ship.
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The representative of SUPSHIP, the PCO, and the contractor should report at the delivery
point to the agent for the accepting authority (COMNAVSEA). The normal agent for the
accepting authority is SUPSHIP. The Supervisor will sign the receipt (DD Form 250) for the
ship. A copy of the receipt will be provided to the PCO. Water, Fuel, and Lubricating Oil Soundings
For surface ships, soundings of water, fuel, and lubricating oil tanks should be taken and
checked by representatives of SUPSHIP, the PCO of the ship, and the contractor for
purposes of determining the fluids left onboard at the time of delivery. Depending on
contract language, the results of these sounding will result in either a bill to the contractor for
the deficit amount of each commodity that is not provided in full by contract requirement or a
bill to the government for the amount remaining onboard. Contract requirements are the
determining factor in establishing a course of action. Upon commissioning, the ship
becomes part of the active Fleet, and no reimbursement from Fleet accounts for fuel
remaining onboard is required. The fuel remaining onboard is considered part of the
investment cost of ship procurement in accordance with the DoD FMR Volume 2A
, article
Lubricants left onboard may be of two varieties and will be handled as follows:
a. Bulk lube oil left onboard follows the same general guidelines as above, and can be
included as part of the contract requirements. If not included as part of the contract, the
contractor will be reimbursed for the bulk lube oil left onboard, chargeable to the ship's
outfitting allotment established with SCN funds.
b. Contractors will be advised to off-load packaged lube oil before delivery of the ship to the
Navy. In no instance will reimbursement be made to the contractor for packaged lube oil
left onboard ship at time of delivery. Pre-Commissioning Habitability Inspection
The timeframe relative to delivery for placing a ship in service or in commission varies with
ship type (i.e., surface, submarine or nuclear-powered) and is defined in
4700.8K. In all cases, a pre-commissioning habitability inspection is a prerequisite to placing
the ship in service or in commission and a pre-commissioning habitability inspection required
OPNAVINST 4700.8K is conducted by the TYCOM. The purpose of this inspection is to
ascertain whether or not the crew living and messing spaces are clean, safe, and ready to
receive the crew; the purpose is not to conduct a detailed review of compliance with
technical requirements such as performed by INSURV during AT. Pre-commissioning
habitability inspection deficiencies must be corrected or resolved by action of SUPSHIP
before commissioning or placing the ship in service (active or special). SUPSHIP will review
the inspection deficiencies to determine action required, responsibility, and cost; it will
forward recommendations for each deficiency to NAVSEA. Acceptance and Placing Ship in Service
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When SUPSHIP has been authorized to accept delivery of a ship and to commission or
place the ship in service special, the procedures described above should be followed as
closely as possible. In addition:
a. COMNAVSEA will be requested to issue movement orders for the ship;
b. SUPSHIP will arrange to have the ship commissioned or placed in service immediately
following acceptance;
c. The acceptance and commissioning or placing in service of a ship will be reported
immediately to NAVPERS, INSURV, and NAVSEA;
d. SUPSHIP will obtain a receipt for the ship and the material aboard and issue a receipt to
the contractor or develop a memorandum of understanding, if necessary, to describe the
responsibilities of each party when responsibility cannot be totally transferred;
e. The PCO will be informed of the need to arrange for official representation funds from the
cognizant Commanding Officer, Naval Base (COMNAVBASE);
f. The contract provisions specify the requirements for delivery of the vessel when under its
own power or under tow. When the vessel is under its own power, the size and
qualifications of the crew are specified, as well as requirements for renewal of oil filters,
purification or replacement of lubricating oil, and non-operation of the vessel during foul
weather. If the vessel is under tow, the contract requirements specify a towing crew,
condition of the vessel, and prohibitions against the vessel being part of a multiple tow.
Conventional-powered ships built or converted at private shipyards are placed in commission
at the direction of CNO soon after delivery; fitting out is generally accomplished at the
contractors facilities. An assigned readiness-for-sea period is provided so the PCO/CO can
prepare the ship for sea without outside interferences. At the end of the readiness-for-sea
period, the ship reports to the cognizant Fleet Commander for shakedown and preparation
for final contract trials. The shakedown period is primarily intended for training and for
operations at sea, including any tests and trials not previously conducted. During
shakedown, tactical data are obtained; and standardization trials, structural test firings of
newly installed armament, and other operations are also conducted. As a result, shakedown
frequently reveals unsatisfactory items and deficiencies not previously detected. Delivery of Ships and Craft for non-USN Contracts
At the time of delivery, SUPSHIP will furnish the following information for each craft delivered
to the Army and the Air Force:
a. Items to be included in the delivery letter:
(1) Authority for delivery of the ship or craft;
(2) Proposed date and place of delivery;
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(3) A statement that the ship or craft was constructed in accordance with the contract,
including a list of the contract number and the numbers of all contract modifications
applicable; applicable specifications and all amendments; contract and working
drawings; the latest alterations applicable; INSURV work items completed before
delivery; and INSURV work items not completed before delivery; and
(4) A statement that all United States Coast Guard (USCG), American Bureau of
Shipping (ABS), U.S. Public Health Service certificates, and the ship's inventory
and allowance lists (for Navy type ships) have been prepared and distributed as
required by the contractual documents.
b. Items to be included in the appendix to the delivery letter:
(1) A list of incomplete or unsatisfactory work at the time of delivery for which the
contractor is responsible;
(2) A list of incomplete or unsatisfactory work at the time of delivery for which the
Government is responsible (explicit information will be provided on the action taken
by SUPSHIP to correct such deficiencies);
(3) If a shortage list is not prepared, a list of allowance items not onboard for which the
contractor is responsible (explicit information will be furnished on the action taken
by the contractor to supply the missing material); and
(4) If a shortage list is not prepared, a list of allowance items not onboard for which the
Government is responsible (explicit information will be furnished on the action taken
by SUPSHIP to correct such deficiencies).
c. Distribution of copies of the delivery letter will be made as follows:
(1) Original to consignee
(2) Two copies to the cognizant Navy office(s)
(3) Additional copies as designated in the contract Trials and Delivery of Ships under Maritime Administration (MARAD)
The MARAD maintains and activates ships for the Government under contracts administered
by MARAD representatives. Trials are conducted for these ships under the joint supervision
of the MARAD Trial Board and INSURV in the same manner as Navy-conducted trials.
When assigned by NAVSEA as the Navy liaison officer with MARAD, the SUPSHIP must
prepare and submit work lists to INSURV for further presentation to the MARAD Trial Board.
On successful completion of the trials and after consideration of MARAD inspectors' lists of
uncompleted work, MARAD informs INSURV whether MARAD intends to accept the ship
and the proposed date of delivery. The requirements for acceptance of the ship are that:
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The ship satisfies the contract requirements and has successfully passed the
required trials, tests, and inspections;
When the Navy and MARAD have agreed that certain Navy work items will be
accomplished during the building or conversion period, such work has been
accomplished; and
Specific current MARAD requirements, such as drydocking and provision of repair
parts, have been fulfilled.
On certification from MARAD that the requirements have been fulfilled, the senior member of
INSURV authorizes acceptance of delivery of the ship. Delivery and acceptance take place
in a manner similar to the delivery and acceptance under Navy contracts. Trials and Delivery of Ships Bought for Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
The trials and delivery of ships built for foreign Governments will generally follow procedures
used for USN ships. Specifics for each case must be tailored to the requirements of the
recipient country and the terms of the FMS case as represented in the contract.
10.3.4 Trials and Delivery of Boats and Other Craft Trials and Final Inspection
Trials and final inspection are required for most boats and craft. This includes BT/AT. The
conduct of these trials and the final inspection, though not necessarily observed by INSURV,
must conform to the same high standards established by the board.
Before the trials begin, the CDRL and the craft specifications generally require the contractor
to submit a trial agenda and a schedule of events showing the operations and tests the
contractor proposed to conduct in order to demonstrate compliance with the contract.
SUPSHIP reviews the agenda and may add or delete requirements, as appropriate. Other
procedures followed by SUPSHIP are similar to those used by INSURV in the trials of ships.
For example, INSURV procedures for the classification of work items are normally followed
with single starring of items to indicate work that must be accomplished before delivery. Boats and Craft Procured Under Navy Appropriations
For boats procured under a Navy appropriation, ATs are conducted on the first boat of a type
produced under the contract. These trials are witnessed by a trial board appointed by
SUPSHIP. After completion, SUPSHIP submits a trial report for action by NAVSEA to review
the report and promptly advise SUPSHIP of NAVSEA's action on the work items list,
indicating whether the action is applicable to all subsequent boats under the contract. As
necessary, SUPSHIP issues field changes (within SUPSHIP approval limits) covering
contractor-responsible items that are not to be corrected by the contractor before delivery
and any Government-responsible work that the contractor is to perform.
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Trials of subsequent boats of the same type under the contract are conducted by SUPSHIP
trial board or by regularly assigned SUPSHIP inspection personnel, as SUPSHIP may
determine. Reports on these trials need not be submitted to NAVSEA for action; however,
any new work items included in the reports will be submitted to NAVSEA by letter if
SUPSHIP considers that the items are not the contractor's responsibility. On the other hand,
work items that differ from those on the first boat under the contract and that are clearly the
contractor's responsibility do not require NAVSEA action. Boats and Craft Procured for Other Agencies
Unless otherwise directed by NAVSEA, trials must be conducted for each boat and craft
procured for other agencies for which SUPSHIP is ACO; these trials must be witnessed by a
SUPSHIP-appointed trial board. The following procedures apply to trial board reports:
a. Within two working days after completion, SUPSHIP will forward a preliminary report of
the trials to NAVSEA, the PM and customer (as applicable).
b. Within two working days after receipt of the report, NAVSEA will take preliminary trial
authorization action. This action will be addressed to SUPSHIP with a copy sent to the
other agency or other requiring activity, as appropriate.
c. Promptly after submission of the preliminary trial report, SUPSHIP will forward a
complete report of the trials to the other agency or other requiring activity via NAVSEA.
d. On receiving the complete trial report, NAVSEA will endorse the report to the consignee,
pointing out specific major deficiencies and indicating final NAVSEA authorization. A
copy of NAVSEA endorsement will be forwarded to SUPSHIP. Where major deficiencies
occur, NAVSEA will also submit recommendations for correcting those deficiencies. Delivery
On satisfactory completion of the work items that must be completed before delivery,
SUPSHIP directs the contractor, by letter, to ship or deliver the boat or craft according to the
terms of the contract. At the time of delivery, the contractor should list and comment on all
uncompleted work items for which the contractor is responsible, stating the reasons for
non-completion or requesting that the work items be completed by the Government at the
contractor's expense. At the same time, the contractor must submit a completed DD Form
250. SUPSHIP prepares and forwards a delivery letter to the receiving activity with a copy to
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APPENDIX 10-A: Procedures for the Supervising Authority’s
Certification of Certification of Readiness for Acceptance Trials
1. Upon completion of Builder's Trials (BT) and no less than 10 working days prior to
Acceptance Trials (AT), the Supervising Authority will submit a message report to
COMNAVSEASYSCOM stating that the vessel is certified ready in all respects for the
scheduled AT. This report will address the following items:
(a) Describe Compartment Completion:
Tanks and Voids - ( ) of ( ) closed - out and accepted;
Habitable/accessible Spaces - ( ) of ( ) closed - out and accepted.
Include a description as to the completeness of ship control and propulsion
(b) Verify that the prerequisite Stage 3, 4, 5, and 6 tests of the Integrated Test Package
have been successfully completed and that it is expected that shipboard systems will
perform successfully during AT.
(c) Identify the percentage of supply load-out/fitting-out and indicate any significant
(d) Verify the BTs have been successfully completed and significant construction
deficiencies have been corrected.
(e) Verify that the applicable system and subsystem certification requirements have
been accomplished.
(f) Identify other deficiencies not addressed above which may have a detrimental impact
on the conduct of AT.
2. If in the judgment of the Program Manager, the deficiencies identified in the certification
message seriously jeopardize the success of AT, the Program Manager will delay the
trial until the deficiencies are corrected. In this case, a recertification of readiness by the
Supervising Authority is required.
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Appendix 10-B: Acronyms
CSMP Current Ship Maintenance Project
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FMS Foreign Military Sales
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OPNAVINST Chief of Naval Operations Instruction
PMS/RMS Planned Maintenance System/Resource Management
ROC/POE Required Operational Capability/Projected Operational
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TDB Test Documentation Booklet
TEAMIS Test and Evaluation Automated Management Information